※ Those with the mark are fields that must be completed.

※ 学院・学部、研究科 / 系・学科 ・専攻/ 課程 / 学年は、入学(入寮)予定のタイミングでの情報を入力してください。
※ Please enter the information for the school / department / course / grade at the time you plan to enter the school (dormitory).

※ 一人につき、一つの寮を申請してください。
※ Please apply for one dormitory per person.

Name(in alphabet)
学籍番号または受験番号(※不明の場合、0000 と入力してください) Student ID Number or Examinee's Number(※ If unknown, please enter 0000 )


Candidates for bachelor's degree programs must check their examination number before applying.

予約番号Reservation Number, if you have.


※This information is only for using to fix your room.

部屋タイプの希望Room Type


※Family rooms are available for spouses, children, and other family members up to the first degree.


※Couple and Family rooms are available for spouses, children, and other family members up to the first degree. In general, those who have the residence status of "Student" or "Dependent" visa are eliglibe to live in these rooms.

配偶者の有無Marital Status
生年月日Date of Birth (yyyy/mm/dd)
現住所郵便番号 (※日本ではない場合、郵便番号は000-0000と入力してください)Postal code (※If you do not live in Japan, please set it to 000-0000)
研究室内線Lab Ext
受験先種別Examinee's classification
学部(学士課程)試験種別Undergraduate Entrance Exam Type


※Please select an exam only if you plan to enroll as an undergraduate student this April.


※Please select “Others” if you are already enrolled.

学院、学部・研究科School/Faculty and Graduate School
系・コース、学科・専攻Departments / Majors, Schools / Tracks
留学プログラム名Study Abroad Program Name
在籍キャンパスEnrolled Campus
現課程の卒業修了見込み年月Expected Date of Graduation/Completion
上級課程への進学予定You wish to continue to..?
入居希望期間Period you wish to live (yyyy/mm/dd)


※Please note that the Ending Year, Month, and Day may not be as requested.

入居希望日Move-in date and time (yyyy/mm/dd h:mm)
Flight Information
寝具セット購入希望の有無Bedding Set


※You will be needing a bedding set for your bed in your room. (All Titech dormitorys) You can purchase a bedding set (6 items) at a reasonable price from a university partner dealer. (Bedding set flyerPDF)


※There is no bedding set for your bed in your room.

寝具セット購入を希望しますか / Would you like to purchase a bedding set from our dealer?

同居予定者氏名、性別、年齢Name, gender and age of the person(s) who will be living with you


If you are requesting a family room, please enter the following information for all prospective residents

(同居予定者氏名、性別、年齢) / (Name, gender and age of the person(s) who will be living with you)


If you are requesting a couple or family room, please enter the following information for all prospective residents

複数寮希望者Those who wish to live in multiple dormitories

※If you are not selected for your first choice and would like to stay in another dormitory, please select "Yes". If not, please select "No".
※If you are not selected for your first choice, you will not be able to choose the dormitory to which you are offered.

複数寮の申請は受け付けません。重複申請があった場合は、申請を無効にします。Applications for multiple dormitories will not be accepted.
Duplicate applications will invalidate the application.
誓約事項 Pledge:


Please check below should you agree.

  1. 寮の規則、共同生活のマナーを守り、他の寮生と友好な関係を築くこと。
    To follow the dorm rules and regulations, keep good manner of sharing rooms/facilities, and make a good relationship with other students in the dorm.
  2. 居室や共有スペースを清潔に保つこと。
    To keep your individual room and common spaces/facilities clean.
  3. 寮費は毎月決められた期日に支払うこと。寮費は日割りをしないため、ご了承ください。月の後半の入居もしくは月の前半の退去の場合は施設使用費のみ半額(水道・光熱費は各ユニット別)です。
    To keep the due date for payment. Please note that dormitory fees are not prorated. However, if you move in during the second half of the month or move out during the first half of the month, only the facility usage fee is half price (Utility charge are individually paid in each room).
    *Even if you stay for a few days, the above price is uniformly applied.
  4. 寮費は毎月決められた期日に支払うこと。寮費は日割りをしないため、ご了承ください。
    To keep the due date for payment. Please note that dormitory fees are not prorated.
    *Even if you stay for a few days, you pay for the whole month.
  5. 寮費は毎月決められた期日に支払うこと。寮費は日割りをしないため、ご了承ください。月の後半の入居もしくは月の前半の退去の場合は施設使用費のみ半額(共益費は1か月分)です。
    To keep the due date for payment. Please note that dormitory fees are not prorated. However, if you move in during the second half of the month or move out during the first half of the month, only the facility usage fee is half price (common service fee is one month's rent).
    *Even if you stay for a few days, the above price is uniformly applied.
  6. 寮の規則に反する行為(禁止事項違反、寮費の滞納など)のため退寮を命じられることがあること。
    To accept the withdrawal order from the Student Support Division when acting against rules/regulations or above matters.
  7. 大学が認める特段の理由を除いて、延長は認められないこと。
    To follow the period of residence which is informed when you check in except for special reasons recognized by the university.
  8. 留学または大学が認める特段の理由を除いて、延長は認められないこと。
    To follow the period of residence which is informed when you check in except for studying abroad or special reasons recognized by the university.
  9. 入居後1か月未満で退去を希望する場合であっても、所定の寮費を徴収します。(入居費及び、滞在月の寮費満額。減額措置なし)
    Even if you wish to move out within one month of moving in, you will be charged the prescribed dormitory fee. (The full amount of the move-in fee and the dormitory fee for the month of stay. No reduction will be made)
  10. 入居後1か月以内の退去は原則認めません。万が一、入居後1か月未満で退去を希望する場合は、所定の寮費を徴収します。(入居費及び、滞在月の寮費満額。減額措置なし)
    As a basic rule, it is not allowed to move out within one month of moving in. In the unlikely event that you wish to move out within one month of moving in, you will be charged the prescribed dormitory fee. (The full amount of the move-in fee and the dormitory fee for the month of stay. No reduction will be made)
  11. 寮費の支払いは大学の指定する方法で行うこと。海外送金、クレジットカードは対応しておりません。支払い方法は、日本の銀行口座より振替のみです。
    You must pay your dormitory fees in the method designated by the University. We are very sorry, but we do not accept overseas remittances or credit cards. There are only one ways to pay: 1. transfer from a Japanese bank account.
  12. 寮費の支払いは大学の指定する方法で行うこと。クレジットカードや現金での支払いは受け付けません。銀行口座から引き落としになります。
    You must pay your dormitory fees in the method designated by the University. We don’t accept Credit Card and/or Cash payments.
  13. 寮費の支払いは大学の指定する方法で行うこと。海外送金、クレジットカードは対応しておりません。支払い方法は、次の2通りのみです。 1. 日本の銀行口座より振替 2. 払込用紙にて現金払い
    You must pay your dormitory fees in the method designated by the University. We are very sorry, but we do not accept overseas remittances or credit cards. There are only two ways to pay: 1. transfer from a Japanese bank account, 2. pay in cash with a payment slip.
  14. 学生寮の建物、居室内での喫煙は禁止しています。(屋外に喫煙スペースがある場合を除く)
    Smoking is prohibited in the dormitory building or in the rooms. (Except in cases where there is an outdoor smoking area.) If we find any evidence of smoking, such as cigarette butts or odors, we will order you to leave the dormitory.
  15. 退去時は原状復帰させること。汚れ取りや破損の修理は本人負担
    When moving out, the room must be restored to its original condition. Stain removal and repair of damages are at your expense.
  16. 家族部屋を希望する方は、同居予定の方全員が入居申請を行った学生と婚姻関係もしくは血縁関係であることを確認します。
    For those who apply for a family room, we will confirm that all prospective residents are related by marriage or blood to the student who applied for the room.
    Please submit copies of passports or other identification for all residents at the time of the move-in procedure.
  17. 夫婦・家族部屋を希望する方は、同居予定の方全員が入居申請を行った学生と婚姻関係もしくは血縁関係であることを確認します。
    For those who apply for a family room, we will confirm that all prospective residents are related by marriage or blood to the student who applied for the room.
    Please submit copies of (1) passports or other identification and (2) residence cards or Certificate of Eligibility (COE) for all residents at the time of the move-in procedure.
    書類のアップロードはこちら / Click here to upload your documents
    書類のアップロード確認/Document upload confirmation

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